Information Communication Technologies (ICT)
and Digital Technologies

At Aspendale Gardens we are very proud of our Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) program. Our students today are digital natives and we believe preparing them for the digital world ahead is vital and is a responsibility we take very seriously. See below our ICT Vision created by the staff of the school.
ICT at Aspendale Gardens Primary School will be an essential component of teaching and learning. We aim to improve technology use and professional learning that will equip teachers with appropriate skills, and develop students to become innovative, confident and safe users of ICT in an ever changing digital world. Teachers and students will be encouraged to confidently take risks when using new technologies. We also strive to create a culture that supports teachers and students to be flexible towards the progression of digital technologies.
We have a one-to-one iPad program for students from Years 4 to 6 and a school-supported iPad program in other year levels. All classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards, desktop computers, laptops and other media equipment. Computer technologies are used across the entire curriculum to enhance student learning and prepare them for their life
We are also signed up for the Apple Family Funded Program, please follow the link below for access to our Custom Online Store.
In Physical Education, students film each other and analyse their movements in order to improve their technique. Programs such as ‘Garage Band’ are used in Performing Arts and instant access to the artworks from the Louvre in Paris is enjoyed in our Visual Arts classes via our unlimited, school-wide WIFI access. The students love having the world at their fingertips!
We teach coding which goes hand in hand with our robotics program which is a huge success.
We are an approved e-Smart school. Schools with this accreditation have a holistic approach to cyber safety that aims to increase digital inclusion and reduce cyber bullying.