Library and Resource Room
The School Library provides all our students access to information and helps them to develop learning skills in a supportive environment. All classes have a one hour lesson every week in the library.
Our Library
Plays a central role in learning and teaching
Helps meet the needs of all learners
Empowers young people and encourages them to develop into lifelong learners.

The library contributes in many varied ways to the school’s main aim of creating confident individuals, responsible citizens, successful learners and effective contributors.
Borrowing Resources from the Library
The library contains a wide range of resources, from picture story books, fiction novels and non-fiction resources. Most of these resources can be borrowed by both staff and students.
We also have a ‘Senior Library’ which is for the Year 6 students. The Senior Library is situated at the back of the library near the Tech/Librarian office.
Borrowing Resources
Books will be issued for 2 weeks.
All loans can be renewed.
Items, which are on loan, can be reserved and suggestions for new titles are always welcome.
Borrowing rights are suspended until overdue books are returned.

Overdue, Lost or Damaged Resources
If a book is lost or damaged there will be a charge of $20.00 per item for it to be replaced.
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday
Lunch Time: 1:40pm – 2:25pm
Before School 8:45am - 8:55am
After School 3:30pm – 3:45pm
Our Book Week Parade was held in Term 3, 2023. What an amazing array of costumes and imagination by students and staff members! Please enjoy the photo collage....